Every year, millions of Americans turn to Google to ask some of life’s most challenging questions. Whether they’re searching for medical advice online—which we wouldn’t recommend—or finding out which internet speed is the fastest for their lifestyle, Americans want answers, and they want them now. So, for the fourth year in a row, All Home Connections found out which “Should I…” inquiries were the most searched in 2021.
With people looking to hit the open road again, asking about quarantining wasn’t a huge concern this time around. In fact, people in 14 states wanted to know if they should buy a new vehicle. Skyrocketing used car prices and a microchip shortage for new cars made people wonder if getting into a new ride was worth the risk. “Should I buy a house” was mainly on the mind of eight states due to the massive drop in interest rates for homes. Want to know what the majority of your state was asking Google? You should check the map out!

Should we tell you what our interesting findings were?
- “Should I buy a car?” Vehicle or no vehicle, 14 states were wondering if they should buy a new car in this new climate. With dealerships offering 30% more for a trade-in than a year ago due to a microchip car shortage, it’s little wonder why people coast to coast were asking if this was the year to buy a vehicle.
- “Should I buy a house?” From Rhode Island down to South Carolina, eight states wondered if they should buy their new forever home. After a year where people were stuck inside for the better part of 2020, some were anxious for an upgrade. Unfortunately, the housing market skyrocketed during the pandemic, making buying a home more difficult for the average American.
- “Should I cut/dye my hair?” New year, new you, right? Eleven states were wondering if they should either cut or dye their hair this year (six to cut, five to dye). If you think that’s radical, four other states were asking for a more permanent change: “Should I get a tattoo?”
- “Should I have a baby? Should I get a dog?” After a year where people were either bored by themselves or bored with each other while stuck at home, it looks as though some sought extra companionship. Five states asked if they should have a baby, while four other states asked if they should get a dog. Speaking of companionship, Alabama, Louisiana, and Washington were all wondering if they should “text him back.” We don’t know who this “him” is, but if he hasn’t texted you yet, maybe you shouldn’t waste your time.
State | Should I... |
Alabama | Should I text him |
Alaska | Should I have a baby |
Arizona | Should I buy a car |
Arkansas | Should I buy a car |
California | Should I buy a car |
Colorado | Should I buy a car |
Connecticut | Should I buy a house |
Delaware | Should I get a tattoo |
District of Columbia | Should I buy a house |
Florida | Should I buy a car |
Georgia | Should I buy a car |
Hawaii | Should I have a baby |
Idaho | Should I get a tattoo |
Illinois | Should I buy a car |
Indiana | Should I cut my hair |
Iowa | Should I dye my hair |
Kansas | Should I go to college |
Kentucky | Should I get a dog |
Louisiana | Should I text him |
Maine | Should I buy a house |
Maryland | Should I buy a car |
Massachusetts | Should I buy a car |
Michigan | Should I get a dog |
Minnesota | Should I cut my hair |
Mississippi | Should I have a baby |
Missouri | Should I get a dog |
Montana | Should I dye my hair |
Nebraska | Should I got to college |
Nevada | Should I get a dog |
New Hampshire | Should I get a tattoo |
New Jersey | should I buy a house |
New Mexico | Should I have a baby |
New York | Should I buy a car |
North Carolina | Should I buy a car |
North Dakota | Should I dye my hair |
Ohio | Should I buy a house |
Oklahoma | Should I dye my hair |
Oregon | Should I cut my hair |
Pennsylvania | Should I buy a car |
Rhode Island | Should I buy a house |
South Carolina | Should I buy a house |
South Dakota | Should I dye my hair |
Tennessee | Should I buy a house |
Texas | Should I buy a car |
Utah | Should I cut my hair |
Vermont | Should I cut my hair |
Virginia | Should I buy a car |
Washington | Should I text him |
West Virginia | Should I get a tattoo |
Wisconsin | Should I cut my hair |
Wyoming | Should I have a baby |
We looked at the search volume for 13 of the most googled “Should I…” questions from each state in the past year. These 13 questions were chosen based on data from SEMRush, AHRefs, and Ask the People.
Reporters can email questions to Bailey@attsavings.com.