The Most Internet-Obsessed States in the US
If you’re reading this, you’re probably in a committed relationship with the internet. It’s there with piping-hot notifications when you wake up, it dries your…

Your State’s Favorite Spotify Artist
If you haven’t danced to Lil Pump in Alabama or worked out to 6ix9ine in New York, have you even lived? If you’re listening to…

Road Trip with AT&T Wi-Fi Hot Spots
What’s better than visiting famous landmarks across the country? Free Wi-Fi! Now, when you travel with your AT&T wireless plan you get access to thousands…

The Most Popular Infomercial Product in Your State
You know you've stayed up too late when infomercials come on TV. You’ve seen infomercials, right? Where people suddenly lose their ability to do anything?…

How to Stream Smarter—Get a Handle on Your Internet Speed
Do you know how fast your Internet is? It turns out, a lot of people don’t. In fact, 42 percent of people surveyed by All…

Geekiest States of America
If you’ve ever LARPed in the park, chased Pikachu with herds of strangers playing Pokémon Go, or watched every episode of Star Wars in Machete…

6 Ways AI Is Revolutionizing Daily Life
Artificial intelligence and machine learning could be the biggest innovation in technology since the microchip. Computer-powered neural networks autonomously solve problems and crunch data that…

The Most Popular Jersey Shore Cast Member in Your State
Here’s “the situation”: the official Jersey Shore reunion is happening April 5, and you won’t want to miss it. We’re talking Snooki, JWoww, Pauly D,…

El canal de Youtube más popular en tu estado
Solo hay un lugar en el mundo donde un niño de seis años del que probablemente nunca hayas oído hablar es más popular que Taylor…

¿Qué tan probable es que dañes tu nuevo celular?
Imagínate esto: te van a dejar en el aeropuerto. Justo cuando cierras la puerta del coche, el celular se desliza de tu mano y golpea…